Student Life and Ministry Center

Help transform Kellogg Hall into a life-changing central gathering place

A student center has been needed for decades, 而沃拉沃拉大学已经等不及要让这一切成为现实了. 现在是时候投资于一个空间,以保护和维持澳门线上博彩官网建立社区的独特能力. With your help, 澳门线上博彩官网将把已有65年历史的凯洛格大厅自助餐厅彻底改造成学生生活和事工中心.

This transformed space will:

  • Move mission-critical service and mission departments into Kellogg Hall, where students naturally gather every day.
  • 为学生会等重要的社会学习活动创建校园“客厅”, worship, celebration, service opportunities and dining.
  • 提供战略性规划的协作空间,以加强学生的领导力和服务机会, and to improve collaboration and creative thinking.
  • 鼓励更多的人亲自参加俱乐部和活动,并加强社会化.

A word from our current and past ASWWU Presidents...

社区,澳门线上博彩官网都渴望的集体归属感,是上帝创造澳门线上博彩官网的目的. Our togetherness matters to Him. And students need a place to be together. 

If you walk into the Atlas, our study house, you’ll find students hosting meetings or study groups, and people lingering by the counter to chat. 阿特拉斯吸引学生是因为它有一种温暖,让澳门线上博彩官网想起家. But it fills up quickly.

ASWWU events are a key part of campus life, 但澳门线上博彩官网很难找到足够大的场地,因为澳门线上博彩官网目前的学生协会中心和阿特拉斯太小了,无法举办澳门线上博彩官网的活动. This was acutely felt on Friday nights, when students, especially those who live in the dorms, didn’t have a place to go after vespers. In response, our spiritual team created “Sabbath Sigh,这是一个在鲍尔斯大厅举行的聚会,让朋友们在晚祷后聚在一起. But this space is not ideal, and it is temporary.

作为ASWWU主席最有趣的部分之一就是和我的团队在办公室并肩工作, a small space that’s set aside for us. 但这个地方太小了,而且在物理上与其他学生领袖是分开的. 

We at WWU feel a strong pull towards being together. 然而,目前的设置都不足以满足澳门线上博彩官网校园对公共空间的需求. The solution, a Student Life and Ministry Center, 会为所有学生创造一个工作和生活可以融合的中心场所吗. 今天的学生仍在从大流行带来的孤独中恢复过来, 澳门线上博彩官网的低年级学生比以往任何时候都更热衷于在校园里订婚. SLMC将利用这种热情,帮助重建繁荣的澳门线上博彩官网

我在沃拉沃拉大学体验到了集体归属感的快乐, 澳门线上博彩官网有责任确保每一个踏入校园的学生都能体验到这一点, too. 

Annaliese Grellmann
Senior Humanities/Pre-Law major
2022–2024 ASWWU President

Walla Walla University is a home away from home. Students spend most of their year on campus, which means making the university feel like home very important. 家庭之间的一个相似之处是他们都有一个用来社交和放松的客厅.

Currently WWU does not have a living room, 学生生活和事工中心(SLMC)是提供这样一个空间的绝佳机会. 这将允许学生社交,减压,并为澳门线上博彩官网的WWU家庭提供一个中心场所. 这个项目将使WWU的校园充满活力,并促进校园内更大的团结感. 我完全支持这个项目,相信它会对校园产生巨大的积极影响.
Trevor Haugen
2021-2022 ASWWU President

沃拉沃拉大学的澳门线上博彩官网以充满活力和活跃的学生群体为中心, 由渴望有意义的联系和对话的人组成. 作为一名学生领袖,我亲身体验了将人们聚集在一起的强大影响. 友谊形成了,思想诞生了,学校之间的关系也更加紧密了
当时间和空间为学生互动提供便利和保护时. SLMC将对校园产生巨大的影响,因为它将提供课堂之外的空间, work, 还有学生宿舍——学生们可以以一种方便而有机的方式聚集和交流. It will centralize services that are currently distributed in varying areas of campus; this will benefit students by focusing student life activities on one vibrant heart. 对服务和事工的关注提供了澳门线上博彩官网机构的基本基础, and the space provides an area for this purpose to grow.

During my time as ASWWU President, 学生们的一个共同要求是创造更多的非正式互动空间, both for studying and socializing. SLMC很好地解决了这一需求,并承诺进一步促进沃拉沃拉大学的文化,在这种文化中,牢固的友谊和联系不仅补充而且促进了丰富的学习环境.
Eric Welch
2020-2021 ASWWU President

我一直渴望在沃拉沃拉大学有一个专门培养友谊和社交成长的空间. As a first year student, my friends and I watched movies in classrooms, played board games in dorm lobbies, and had afterglows hosted at students’ houses. 在寻找物理空间来支持澳门线上博彩官网的社交需求时,创造力几乎是一个必要条件. This is not a new theme. 在过去的10年里,ASWWU的主席们强调了为学生提供一个互动和参与校园社区的空间的必要性. I believe the SLMC will resolve this need. 包括许多以学生为导向的校园机会,如ASWWU, academic clubs, and Campus Ministries, SLMC将为学生提供一个方便的空间,让他们花时间在一起,并有机会进一步参与.

我在沃拉沃拉大学的经历告诉我,和能理解你的人在一起很重要, challenge you, yet comfort you. 找到一个能让你做自己的社区,这一想法为你开启了终身友谊的大门, spiritual growth, and mental replenishment. WWU提供的这个社区是澳门线上博彩官网母校最大的优势之一, 而SLMC只会通过为这种增长提供空间来补充这种意识形态.
Lucas Marcondes
2019-2020 ASWWU President


Troy Patzer - Associate VP for Alumni & Advancement Services
(509) 527-2586


Dorita Tessier - Director of Gift Planning
(509) 527-2646

Ways to Give

  • Online – Donate to the SLMC Fund
  • Check – Designate to SLMC, mail to Walla Walla University
    • Advancement Office
      204 S College Ave
      College Place, WA 99324
  • Make Gifts of Property, Stocks or Other Appreciated Assets – Contact Dorita Tessier or Troy Patzer

Current Progress to Goal