
Nursing Deposit

当学生被护理专业录取时, 需要300美元的不可退还押金才能在该计划中获得一席之地.  The deposit will be applied towards tuition, 虽然订金不能用于季度首付款.


学生可以上音乐课,也可以不上音乐课的学分. 报名参加课程的学生将根据以下时间表收取费用-除了任何适用的学费:

   课程费用——每季度, plus tuition

For credit:

9节半小时的课程 (1 credit)



九节一小时的课程 (2-4 credits)



For no credit:






最少9个, 每季度30分钟的课程和每周5小时的日常练习相当于一个学分的音乐课.

按时上课是学生的责任. 教师有义务只在生病或紧急情况下提供补课的机会. 如果事先有安排,可以由老师自行决定是否补课. 除非学生在一个季度内接受的课程少于9节,否则在节假日或休假期间的课程不被补课.

如果一个学生正在上课,停止上课, 学生必须立即向学术记录办公室提交注册变更表.





1.        完成MUCT 121-123理论I和MUCT 131-133耳训练I

2.        通过身份评审考试后被音乐课程录取

3.        Enrollment in at least 12 credit hours

在达到上述标准之前上音乐课的学生需要注册这些课程. 学生将在他们注册这些课程的那个季度支付费用. Music lesson fee waivers are not retroactive. 在冬季学期开始时完成资格要求的学生将获得该学期的资格.  在春季学期结束时完成资格要求的学生将在接下来的秋季学期获得资格.  只有那些需要完成音乐专业要求的课程才包括在豁免计划中. 如果音乐专业的学生通过了一个以上重点的评审考试,并符合所有的资格要求,那么他们可以获得一个以上重点的学费减免. 


音乐课学费减免计划不适用于2020年秋季之后入学或换专业的学生. 符合要求的在校生在毕业前可以享受优惠待遇.





Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
XXXX 490Internship-0信贷$312
XXXX 495替代方案讨论会$104

ART Courses 

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
ART 160材料与方法$81
ART 181形式分析$54
ART 182直线透视图$54
ART 183Sketching$54
ART 194静物绘画$54
ART 196混合媒介绘画$81
ART 260Principles of Visual Composition$54
ART 264雕塑简介$54
第284、285,286、374条Introduction to Pottery I,II,III, Advanced$100
ART 294Introduction to Printmaking$54
ART 307艺术家解剖$54
ART 317版画先进$54
ART 334高级肖像画$54
ART 335Abstract and Expressive Painting$54
ART 360Advanced Visual Composition$54
ART 364先进的雕塑$54
ART 374Advanced Pottery and Ceramic Sculpture$100
ART 395艺术教学方法$44

AUTO Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
AUTO 114个人汽车护理$125
AUTO 146Manual Drive Trains and Axles Laboratory$125
AUTO 157Electrical Systems Laboratory$125
AUTO 280Practicum$125
AUTO 286Engine rebuilding Laboratory$125
AUTO 315Engine Performance Laboratory$125
AUTO 336Suspension and Steering Systems Laboratory$125
AUTO 338Brake Systems and Traction Control Laboratory$125
AUTO 356Climate Control Systems Laboratory$125
AUTO 358Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles Lab$125
AUTO 365Diesel Engines$125
AUTO 414Advanced Engine Performance$125
AUTO 434High Performance Engine Tuning$125
AUTO 466Body Electronics and Computer Systems$125
AUTO 473Alternative Fuels and Hybrids$125
AUTO 480先进的实习$125
AUTO 495Colloquium$700

AVIA Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee

AVIA 110, 140



AVIA 142Private Pilot flight Training I (TCO**)$33
AVIA 142一级私人飞行员飞行训练(飞行费用)$5,300
AVIA 143二级私人飞行员飞行训练(飞行费用)$5,538
AVIA 144私人飞行员飞行训练III(飞行费用)$5,808
AVIA 262Instrument Flight Training (TCO**)$33
AVIA 262Instrument Flight Training (Flight Expenses)$5,543
AVIA 263高级仪表飞行训练(飞行费用)$7,187
AVIA 264Cross Country Flight (Flight Expenses)$5,841
AVIA 325高级越野飞行(飞行费用)$3,569
AVIA 335Commercial Flight Training (TCO**)$33
AVIA 335Commercial Flight Training (Flight Expenses)$7,912
AVIA 336高级商业飞行训练(飞行费用)$7,436
AVIA 337特派团/人道主义飞行训练(飞行费用)$2,650
AVIA 340Multi-Engine Flight Training (TCO**)$33
AVIA 340多引擎飞行训练(飞行费用)$8,632
AVIA 355Aviation Safety$541
AVIA 357Flight Instructor Training (Flight Expenses)$2,974
AVIA 358高级飞行教官培训(飞行费用)$4,462
AVIA 455船员资源管理$541
AVIA 458飞行训练(飞行费用)$3,603
AVIA 460多引擎教官飞行训练(飞行费用)$5,705

** TCO Training Course Outline (Digital)

BIOL Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fees
BIOL 105,106Contemporary Biology (lab)$162
杂志121122123年Anatomy and Physiology (lab)$162
BIOL 222Microbiology$162
BIOL 305普通生态学$162
BIOL 360Plant Biology$162
BIOL 381Cell Biology I: Structure and Bioenergetics$162
BIOL 382细胞生物学II:遗传学和分子生物学$162
BIOL 383Cell Biology III: Genomics and Regulation$162
BIOL 403Ornithology - College Place Campus$162
BIOL 403Ornithology - Rosario Campus$216
BIOL 405Natural History of Vertebrates$162
BIOL 410Limnology$162
BIOL 417,517Behavior of Marine Organisms$216
BIOL 422癌症生物学实验室$162
BIOL 426系统植物学$162
BIOL 430Molecular Biology Techniques$162
BIOL 440Human Anatomy$649
BIOL 445先进的微生物学$162
BIOL 458Marine Biology$216
BIOL 460Marine Ecology$216
BIOL 462Ichthyology$216
BIOL 463海洋生理$216
BIOL 464动物生理学$162
BIOL 466Immunology$162
BIOL 468比较生理学$216
BIOL 475,575海洋无脊椎动物$216

CDEV Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
CDEV 100体验项目$30
CDEV 210Career Exploration and Preparation$104

CHEM Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
CHEM 105化学概览$33
化学144,145,146General Chemistry Laboratory$33
CHEM 324,325Introduction to Organic Laboratory$81
CHEM 386Intermediate Orgnaic Chemistry Laboratory$81

DRMA Courses

Course Number

Course NameQuarterly Fee
DRMA 252/4525N性能/副词. Performance$38
DRMA 253/4535N技术生产/广告. 技术生产$38
DRMA 260/460Professional Theater Conference Participation$324

DSGN Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
DSGN 110,111设计原则1、2$54
DSGN 121CAD基础$52
DSGN 215Design, Theory, History, and Criticism$26
DSGN 312Design Strategies and Methodologies$52

EDCI /建造课程

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
Edci 560/ educ 360Teaching and Learning: Inclusive Literacy I$27
Edci 561/ educ 361Teaching and learning: Inclusive Literacy II$27
Edci 582/ educ 382Teaching and Learning: Social Studies$17
EDUC 315/515教育技术$78
EDUC 373,573教学与学习:STEM I -数学与技术$26
EDUC 383,583教学与学习:STEM II -科学与工程$26
EDUC 395Secondary Methods of Instruction I$17
EDUC 396Secondary Methods of Instruction II$17
EDUC 444Teaching and Learning: Cultural Diversity$66
EDUC 497稠化了的教育$216
EDUC 595Secondary Methods of Instruction I$49

ENGL Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
ENGL 121大学写作一$15
ENGL 122大学写作II$15
ENGL 223研究写作$15

ENGR Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
ENGR XXXXAll Labs$189
ENGR 123Introduction to System Design and Engineering$114
工程师496497498Capstone Engineering Project$114
ENGR 499Capstone Project Competition$114

FILM Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
FILM 215Introduction to Film Literature$0
FILM 318Film Studies$0

FLTV Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fees
FLTV 135电影制作要领$76
FLTV 203Production and Cinematography$108
FLTV 260, 460Prof. Film Conference$842

GBUS Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fees
GBUS 190自由企业实习$312

GNRL Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fees
GNRL 101University Experience (Jumpstart)$300
GNRL 401继续注册$200
GNRL 501, 601继续注册$300

GREK Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
GREK 232Greek I$162
GREK 331Greek II$162

GRPH Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
GRPH 124平面设计工作室一$44
GRPH 136Graphic Design Sutdio II: Digital Imaging$54
GRPH 255平面设计工作室一II: Layout$98
GRPH 262平面设计工作室一V: Illustration$94
GRPH 263网页设计工作室$22
GRPH 265Graphic Design History and Theory Studio$81
GRPH 272字体设计工作室$44
GRPH 336Graph Design Studio V: Advanced Methods$54
GRPH 345环境设计$162
GRPH 355高级文档设计$76
GRPH 366多媒体出版$76
GRPH 445图形服务$33
GRPH 463Web Publishing$22
GRPH 466UI/UX设计基础$22
GRPH 492组合设计$70

HIST Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
HIST 337Baseball and American Culture$81

HLTH Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
HLTH 110健康生活$16
HLTH 217First Aid$66
HLTH 328Basic Therapy$36

HONR Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
HONR 141Writing Seminar$17

JOUR Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
JOUR 257Introduction to Photojournalism$66

MATH Course

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
MATH112Math for Elementary Teachers I$42

MUPF Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
MUHL 134World Music$44
MUPF 215SN大学的歌手$27
MUPF 245/245SNI Cantori$81
MUPF 255SNWind Symphony$27
MUPF 256SN黄铜/打击乐$27
MUPF 266SN交响乐团$27
MUPF 283SNBig Band$54
MUPF 284SNSteel Band$27
MUPF 285SNVoice and Instrumental Ensembles$27

NRSG Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
NRSG 211Clinical Labs$426
NRSG 212,213Clinical Labs$354
NRSG 290LPN Validation$166
NRSG 321,331,344, 421, 437, 441Clinical Labs$682
NRSG 450NCLEX Review (includes graduation testing)$333

PEAC Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
PEAC 120P, 121PStrength & 条件1、2$78
PEAC 144Golf*$162
PEAC 157Backpacking$60
PEAC 161Rock Climbing$93
PEAC 164Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding*$208


PETH Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
PETH 107救生员的培训$81
PETH 205Water Safety Instructor's Course$81
PETH 225Care & 预防伤害$52

PHTO Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
PHTO 156摄影原理$81
PHTO 255胶片摄影$162
PHTO 256Intermediate Digital Photography$76
PHTO 356Advanced Digital Photography$98
PHTO 456Digital Photography and Imaging for Educators$54

PHYS Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
PHYS 204,205Conceptual Physics Laboratory$22
254255256年的今天Principles of Physics Laboratory$22
PHYS 315Physical Electronics Laboratory$189

PRDN Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
PRDN 120模型和原型$104
PRDN 130230330三维设计1、2、3$52
PRDN 210310410产品设计工作室$52
PRDN 345环境设计$162
PRDN 411高级项目工作室$52
PREL 451出版设计 & Editing$49

PSYC Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
PSYC 430心理测试$11

RELB Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
RELB 421解读圣经$54

RELT Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
RELP 131Introduction to Faith and Ministry$66
RELP 236Church Worship$108
RELP 493公众传福音II$66

SCDI Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
SCDI 441,442科学潜水1、2$216

SMFT Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
SMFT 100体验项目$30


SOWK Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
SOWK 205心理健康急救$22
SOWK 490野外实习$44
SOWK 529Field Education - Foundation$44
SOWK 530实地教育-高级$44
SOWK 545Advanced Practice with Couples and Families$196

TECH Courses

Course NumberCourse NameQuarterly Fee
TECH 137Oxyacetylene Welding and Cutting$125
TECH 138保护金属电弧焊$125
TECH 139专门的焊接$125
TECH 220Introduction to Basic Woodworking$125
TECH 223Introduction to Fine Woodworking$125
TECH 224先进的木工$125
TECH 235材料和工艺$104
TECH 236塑料简介$31
TECH 321科技与社会$78
TECH 335数控原型$130
TECH 380空间规划设计$78
TECH 428/528教学技术$104



“上门”辅导No charge
私人家教$18 per hour


有关研究生课程和参与者可能产生的费用的其他信息, 请参阅沃拉沃拉大学毕业生公报.

American College Testing Program (ACT) 




   Credit Fee


   Examination Fee


 Proctoring fee$20 (student must pay on the day of the test)

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)


   WWU Student




Correspondence - Online Class Examinations


   Test fee for online class examinations

$20 per hour




      Single Subtest: ($40 subtest fee & $35 registration processing fee)$75
      All 3 subtests: ($120 test fees & $35 registration processing fee)$155





Out-of-Schedule Examination









Application – Undergraduate  (non-refundable)


Application – Graduate (non-refundable) 


Diploma replacement:  Undergraduate


Diploma replacement:  Graduate


Enrollment Fee


Field trips




Late Application for Degree (Senior Outline)~








Nursing Background Security Check


Returned Check (including electronic check)+




Online Transcript Request - Electronic Copy


Online Transcript Request - Mailed Paper Copy


Hard Copy - Mailed Paper Copy


~学生在截止日期后提交学位申请将被收取费用. For June and August graduates, 如果在冬季学期结束前未提交申请,费用将被评估. 12月份的毕业生, 如果申请未在春季学期结束前提交,费用将被评估. 三月毕业生, 如果在秋季学期结束前未提交申请,费用将被评估.

+ Plus any international bank fees. 这一费用包括纸质支票和电子支票. 示例原因:资金不足,帐户关闭,无效帐号,停止付款. 涉及欺诈的交易可提交有关当局起诉.