
的 物理 Department at WWU prefers that majors participate in an REU program at another location during the summer between their junior and senior years.

Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) programs are conducted at many universities and national labs throughout the United States.  的 National Science Foundation 维护一个列表. Additional flyers are posted on the bulletin board across the hall from the 物理 Department. 

在过去的几年里, WWU students have completed REU sessions at the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space 物理, 洛马林达大学, 俄勒冈州, 普林斯顿大学, 普渡大学, University of British Columbia, 佛罗里达大学, University of Washington and the University of Michigan.

Because the REU program is funded by the US government, REU participants must be US citizens or residents.

For Canadian WWU students, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca)是申请的地方.  具体地点包括:

For international students, the WWU 物理 department offers limited research opportunities for students who cannot get into the REU or NSERC programs.


一切.  A Physicists is the high-tech "Jack-of-all-Trades".  Some jobs that WWU teachers or graduates have held are computer drafting at a semi-conductor equipment manufacturer, teaching at the high school and college level, managing in a high-tech company, programming at a phone company, researching on a quantum computer project, 处理财务数据, 管理一个工厂.

You may even have heard of some of the more famous physicists.  爱因斯坦, 费米, and Feynman are still studied in history books for their work on atomic weapons and power.  Gorden Moore, co-founder of Intel, holds a Ph.D. 化学与物理.  Angela Merkel, current Chancellor of Germany, has a degree in 物理.




  • Take math classes and the physical science class (if it is offered at your school). 
  • Read the book "Chaos" by James Gleick.
  • If your school has a weather or geology club, join it.

College at 沃拉沃拉大学: 

  • 大一新生 year:  Take the calculus sequence and programming.
  • Sophomore year:  Start working on a small research project under the direction of a WWU faculty member as time allows.
  • Junior year:  Take Bio物理 and Astro物理 as two of your electives.  You might also consider taking a biology class such as Ecology or Biostatics.
  • Summer after Junior year:  Do a Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) with an climatology or earth science emphais.
  • Senior year:  Present at a department event about your summer research.  应用 to graduate schools with climatology or earth science programs.


  • Option 1:  Do a PhD in 物理 with emphais in Climatology, Earth or Atmospheric Science.
  • Option 2:  Do a PhD in Climatology, Earth or Atmospheric Science.


  • Climatology career options include working for the Nation Weather Service, 状态, and non-profit organizations.
  • Atmospheric career options include working for aviation companies as well as the climatology companies.
  • 的 highest paying jobs in the earth science will be working for oil and natural gas companies helping them find new areas to drill.
  • Other earth science jobs involve earth quake tracking and studying volcanoes.  


  • Take as much math as you can.  Ideally you will be ready for calculus as you start college. 
  • Read books about scientists, astronauts, and space.
  • If an astronomy club exists in your area, join it.

College at 沃拉沃拉大学: 

  • 大一新生 year:  Take the calculus sequence and programming.
  • Sophomore year:  Start working on a small research project under the direction of a WWU faculty member as time allows.  You might consider taking a chemistry minor.
  • Junior year:  Take Astro物理 and Optics as two of your electives.  Also take your choice of Robotics, Mechanics of Flight, Welding, Machining, etc.
  • Summer after Junior year:  Do a Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) with an astro物理 emphais.
  • Senior year:  Present at a department event about your summer research.  应用 to graduate schools with ties to space programs.


  • Option 1:  Do a PhD in 物理 with emphais on Astro物理.
  • Option 2:  Do a PhD in Material Science.
  • Option 3:  Do a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.


  • 设计下一个, best telescope for space or ground will require physicists who know about light, 电子产品, 和光学.  也可能是你.
  • Spacecraft will be needed for exploration.  Physicists will need to work out better methods of propulsion.  Rocket engines take too much fuel which weighs too much.
  • Spacecraft will need better skins to withstand the harsh conditions of space.  Nanotechnology and material science breakthroughs will be needed.
  • Better heating systems, suits for astronauts, recovery systems .... 这样的例子不胜枚举.  Physicists will be on the front lines of all this development.


  • Take as much math as you can.
  • If your school has classes in a machine shop (welding, wood working, etc), take them.
  • Read books about airplanes.
  • Buy or build a Radio Controlled plane, join a RC club, and fly whenever you can.

College at 沃拉沃拉大学: 

  • 大一新生 year:  Take the calculus sequence and programming.  Take an electives in welding or machining.
  • Sophomore year:  Start working on a small research project under the direction of a WWU faculty member as time allows.
  • Junior year:  In addition to your required classes take Robotics and Mechanics of Flight.
  • Summer after Junior year:  Do a Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) with an aviation emphais (Boeing would be an excellent place to apply).
  • Senior year:  Present at a department event about your summer research.  应用 to graduate schools with ties to aviation programs.


  • Option 1:  Do a PhD in 物理 with an emphais in computation or material science.
  • Option 2:  Do a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Option 3:  Do a PhD in Material Science.


  • Aviation companies like Boeing hires physicists to think beyond the ordinary.  You could be tasked with developing a better wing material, a better design for the shape of the wing, or placement of the engine.  天空是极限.
  • 在一家无人机公司, you might get a job working on the control software for the drone or maybe you might be responsible for the design of the airframe or the antenna.
  • 在一家电池公司, physicists work along side chemists and material scientists to design batteries that hold more charge in less volume or weight.


  • Take as much math as you can.
  • Take as many computer classes as you can.
  • Join a computer programming club if it is available.

College at 沃拉沃拉大学: 

  • 大一新生 year:  Take the calculus sequence and programming.  You might consider added a minor in computers.
  • Sophomore year:  Start working on a small research project under the direction of a WWU faculty member as time allows.
  • Junior year:  As your electives, take Physical Science and Nanotechnology.
  • Summer after Junior year:  Do a Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) with an Nanotechnology emphais.
  • Senior year:  Present at a department event about your summer research.  应用 to graduate schools.


  • Option 1:  Do a PhD in 物理 with an emphais in computation or material science.
  • Option 2:  Do a PhD in Computer Science.
  • Option 3:  Do a PhD in Material Science.


高新技术产业, including companies like Intel, 应用材料, 和三星, employs physicists in many different roles.  以下是其中几个:

  • Equipment designer for building the equipment that builds the next generation processing chips and memory chips used in phones and computers.
  • Process scientist working on the chip design making sure each step in the chip build can be done.
  • Vacuum designer building better pumps to get more contamination out of the build area.
  • Vibration specialist working to minimize vibrations during chip building.
  • Programming the build tools to maximize yield and reduce waste.


  • Take as much math as you can.
  • Take a physical science if your school has one.

College at 沃拉沃拉大学: 

  • 大一新生 year:  Take the calculus sequence and programming.  You might consider added a minor in chemistry.
  • Sophomore year:  Start working on a small research project under the direction of a WWU faculty member as time allows.
  • Junior year:  As your electives, take Physical Science and Nanotechnology.  You might also consider taking an energy class or two from the engineering department.
  • Summer after Junior year:  Do a Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) with an energy emphais.
  • Senior year:  Present at a department event about your summer research.  应用 to graduate schools.


  • Option 1:  Do a PhD in 物理 with an emphais in material science.
  • Option 2:  Do a PhD in 物理 with an emphais in nuclear power.
  • Option 3:  Do a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Option 4:  Do a PhD in Material Science.


  • Work for a semiconductor company researching new methods of making solar cells.
  • Work a company like GE to design improvements for energy systems such as windmills, 发电机, 或《澳门线上博彩官网》.
  • Design nuclear reactors by working for the government or in private industry.

研究生院(硕士) & 博士学位)

Selecting the right graduate school is a time consuming task.  Please come in and talk with all the 物理 professors as you make your decision. 的 ranking of all the graduate programs in the US are available in a book kept in the Seminar Room.

Most 物理 majors go on to graduate school after graduating from WWU.  If this isn't in your plan, take a look at the how the WWU Student Development Center can help you land a job after graduation. 

Student Development Center career resources